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2017-08-14 14:00:06  来自:天津市第三中心医院



  疗效上,H2RA中,法莫替丁作用较强,口服剂型在临床较为常用,而PPI的抑酸作用强于法莫替丁[2, 3],因此对于消化道溃疡[4, 5]、幽门螺杆菌[6, 7]患者疗效更好,是治疗这类疾病的一线治疗药物。对于预防和治疗阿司匹林引起的消化道损伤,二者作用相似,PPI效果略好[8, 9]。因此,无论是预防还是治疗应用,PPI均作为用药的选择。


  1. PPI可能存在夜间酸突破(NAB)现象,即指应用标准剂量PPI的患者在夜间(22 :00~6 :00)胃内pH <4 .0且持续超过60 min的现象。这种现象不利于溃疡愈合,除调整PPI治疗方案外,睡前加服小剂量的H2RA可降低NAB的发生率[10]






  1.消化道出血高危人群包括:年龄≥65岁,消化道溃疡或出血病史,合并Hp感染,联合或大剂量使用抗血小板药、抗凝药、NSAIDs、糖皮质激素或SSRIs等药物治疗[15, 16]



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  [2] Tolbert K, Bissett S, King A, et al. Efficacy of oral famotidine and 2 omeprazole formulations for the control of intragastric pH in dogs. J Vet Intern Med. 2011. 25(1): 47-54.

  [3] Shimatani T, Inoue M, Kuroiwa T, et al. Which has superior acid-suppressive effect, 10 mg omeprazole once daily or 20 mg famotidine twice daily? Effects of single or repeated administration in Japanese Helicobacter pylori-negative CYP2C19 extensive metabolizers. Dig Dis Sci. 2007. 52(2): 390-5.

  [4] Tunis SR, Sheinhait IA, Schmid CH, Bishop DJ, Ross SD. Lansoprazole compared with histamine2-receptor antagonists in healing gastric ulcers: a meta-analysis. Clin Ther. 1997. 19(4): 743-57.

  [5] Gisbert JP, González L, Calvet X, Roqué M, Gabriel R, Pajares JM. Proton pump inhibitors versus H2-antagonists: a meta-analysis of their efficacy in treating bleeding peptic ulcer. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2001. 15(7): 917-26.

  [6] Hu FL, Jia JC, Li YL, Yang GB. Comparison of H2-receptor antagonist- and proton-pump inhibitor-based triple regimens for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in Chinese patients with gastritis or peptic ulcer. J Int Med Res. 2003. 31(6): 469-74.

  [7] Scarpignato C. Antisecretory drugs, Helicobacter pylori infection and symptom relief in GORD: still an unexplored triangle. Dig Liver Dis. 2005. 37(7): 468-74.

  [8] Chan FK, Kyaw M, Tanigawa T, et al. Similar Efficacy of Proton-Pump Inhibitors vs H2-Receptor Antagonists in Reducing Risk of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding or Ulcers in High-Risk Users of Low-Dose Aspirin. Gastroenterology. 2017. 152(1): 105-110.e1.

  [9] Nema H, Kato M. Comparative study of therapeutic effects of PPI and H2RA on ulcers during continuous aspirin therapy. World J Gastroenterol. 2010. 16(42): 5342-6.

  [10]李孝东,陈洪忠.质子泵抑制剂的夜间酸突破及治疗对策.药学研究. 2013. 32(8): 487-489.

  [11] Murakami K, Okimoto T, Kodama M, et al. Comparison of amoxicillin-metronidazole plus famotidine or lansoprazole for amoxicillin-clarithromycin-proton pump inhibitor treatment failures for Helicobacter pylori infection. Helicobacter. 2006. 11(5): 436-40.

  [12] Chen J, Yuan YC, Leontiadis GI, Howden CW. Recent safety concerns with proton pump inhibitors. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2012. 46(2): 93-114.

  [13]抗栓治疗消化道损伤防治专家组.抗栓治疗消化道损伤防治中国专家建议(2016·北京).中华内科杂志. 2016. 55(7): 564-567.

  [14]黄建权,吕俊玲,胡欣.罗沙替丁醋酸酯药理作用与临床评价.中国新药杂志. 2014. 23(14): 1601-1605.

  [15]抗血小板药物消化道损伤的预防和治疗中国专家共识组.抗血小板药物消化道损伤的预防和治疗中国专家共识(2012更新版).中华内科杂志. 2013. 52(3): 264-270.

  [16] Ahsberg K, H?glund P, Kim WH, von HCS. Impact of aspirin, NSAIDs, warfarin, corticosteroids and SSRIs on the site and outcome of non-variceal upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2010. 45(12): 1404-15.


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